Ganduri: Rosa's Laces

Friday, February 16, 2007

Rosa's Laces

Yes, Rosa was right. She begged him so many times to dust his clothes and his shoes before entering the house. She was working without stopping to collect all the question marks, accents and comma or semi-colons.
"The quotation marks what are they serving to you at"? he remembered when looking absently through the bus window. If he had to think at this, maybe was she right? Sometimes he could understand Rosa's perplexity.
Indeed, nowadays when everyone is just listening to himself and doesn't have time anymore for anybody else, he could afford to renounce to the quotation marks. Then it will be the turn of the exclamation mark because people are no more wondering and the joy is out of fashion.
He will take to the smelting house in the corner of the street all the diacritical marks and punctuation and so he will save Rosa. She will no more fumble after the commas, which are knotting in their laces.
He decided to keep only the question mark, the huge and hunched by so many uses but he will search for it a better place, maybe outside, behind the house.And yes, I'll dust my clothes attentively at the entrance, sometimes even the guiltless full stop can create a lot of problems."


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